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Thanks to Youtube and related movie portals we will see more and more visual witnesses of Zeppelins and their flights. Some of these contempoary movies are listed here, if you know of any other interesting one, just drop a note.

LZ 127 - Graf Zeppelin - General

Impressive footage of  the Graf Zeppelin, including a flight over the northeast Alps in Switzerland (Kürfirsten, Säntis), the Polar flight including mail drop to the Icebreaker Malygin, interviews mit Dr Eckener, landing in England with dropping of landing ropes from the front of the ship.


Historical notes, in Dutch, on the building of the Zeppelins, including Graf Zeppelin before her first America flight.


Actually no movie, but nice "animated" pictures of the Zeppelins.


Round-the-Worl-Flight 1929

Graf Zeppelin on her Round-the-World-Flight in 1929, reported by Lady Grace Drummond-Hay, the only woman on board during the entire flight. Flight from America to Friedrichshafen and on to Berlin until the Polish border on August 15, 1929.


...arrival in Tokyo.


Flight from Friedrichshafen to Tokyo from August,15, 1929 onwards ... with incredibly annoying advertisment. Movie soemtimes stops at 3:30 min.

...back to America (New York).


Swiss flights

Landing flight to Geneva. One of the very few available reports on a Swiss landing flight, but basically only still-frames.


South America flight

68 hours flight to South America: Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro